Monday, February 18, 2008

Designing Assessment (September)

A one-day workshop and follow on task which works through the principles and practices of designing valid and relevant assessment tasks. This programme is suitable for both tutors and industry assessment designers.

Date: Thursday 18th September
Time: 9.00am-4.00pm
Venue: G202

Contact to enrol.


Leigh Blackall said...

I would like to participate in this course too, but won't be able to on this date. Is there (or will there be) an online option, or will the workshop run on another date this year?

EDC said...

Hi Leigh
Thanks again for your enquiry. There is not an online option for this course as yet but it will be repeated later in the year on Sept 18. You can also go to the EDC calendar (link is in the green box on opening page of this blog)to find out what else is available for the rest of the year.
Heather for EDC

Leigh Blackall said...

Thanks Heather, I have added Sept 18 to the diary, but I have a bad feeling I might be on leave again then too! Let me know if/when there is an online option, or if you/they need help in doing that.

EDC said...

Thanks Leigh
I will do
Heather for EDC